I am not the only person who has to mark exams and essays. Sometimes it's hard. I remember that time I saw my friend. Most of him was buried in scripts, only the nose poked out and twitched in regret. "Please don't tell them," he cried. "I want them to think I enjoy reading them." I felt I had to stay in that room, with those scripts, with the smell of fear on every page, but my friend shouted: "Run!" And I ran down the stairs, as the scripts landed beside me. Anyway, I try to make it easier. I try to understand the enormity of the time and pressure that went into composing the text that I have to read and assess in 15 minutes. So I draw them, those students, sometimes nameless, sometimes not. The doodles help me connect with them, and then the correcting is a bit easier. Here they are, my lovely students: