Flash Fiction
My creatures are mostly merry, but my flash stories are mostly sad.
Moongrammar (in Former Cactus)
What Happened (in Enchanted Conversation)
Elephants Never Fret (in Elephants Never)
Miracles (Winner: Ad Hoc Fiction)
Aunt Agnia's Cure for Loneliness (in the Mojave He(art) Review)
On the Proper Use of Mosquitoes (in the Twist in Time Magazine)
nominated for the Best of the Net
Before they sell it, she comes back (Honey and Lime Literary Magazine)
Their Untimely Lives (in the Cabinet of Heed)
For Us Now, in the Second Semester (in Virtual Zine Mag)
Where is that accent from (Five:2:One)
Wheh I was House-like, Inside (in the Barren Magazine)
How She Stopped Being Afraid of the Dark (in the Forge Literary Magazine) in the Wigleaf top 50 for 2020.
AI and the Modern Solomon (in the Moonchild Magazine)
They Said it Wasn't Safe (in Turnpike)
People Parts (in Elephants Never)
Pareidolia (in the Sunlight Press)
Why This Zglevian Family Won't Go to the Beach this Summer (in Mookychick)
A few of these stories along with twitter-born micros are now chapters in Zglevians on the Move (TwistiT Press, 2019)
The Girl Who Ate a Cat (in Ellipsis Zine)
The Girl Who Ate a Cat (in Ellipsis Zine)
Moongrammar (in Former Cactus)
What Happened (in Enchanted Conversation)
Elephants Never Fret (in Elephants Never)
Miracles (Winner: Ad Hoc Fiction)
Aunt Agnia's Cure for Loneliness (in the Mojave He(art) Review)
On the Proper Use of Mosquitoes (in the Twist in Time Magazine)
nominated for the Best of the Net
Before they sell it, she comes back (Honey and Lime Literary Magazine)
Their Untimely Lives (in the Cabinet of Heed)
For Us Now, in the Second Semester (in Virtual Zine Mag)
Where is that accent from (Five:2:One)
Wheh I was House-like, Inside (in the Barren Magazine)
How She Stopped Being Afraid of the Dark (in the Forge Literary Magazine) in the Wigleaf top 50 for 2020.
AI and the Modern Solomon (in the Moonchild Magazine)
They Said it Wasn't Safe (in Turnpike)
Mix Cardamom and Giner, Nutmegs and Cloves, and I'll tell you why (in Reflex Fiction)
People Parts (in Elephants Never)
Pareidolia (in the Sunlight Press)
Why This Zglevian Family Won't Go to the Beach this Summer (in Mookychick)
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