Forest Allotments: the Grassy Hill

This part of the Thicket is for other writers whose projects are currently looking for a nice home or representation. The creature below accompanies Rachel Newcombe's (@rachelnewcombe8) current project (see below)  

Here is Rachel Newcombe's description of the project: 

Here is a bit about me and my project. In ten words: "Psychotherapists telling personal tales, In Treatment meets Good Will Hunting." I am a psychoanalyst originally from NYC now living on a small island north of Seattle, WA, Orcas Island. I co-lead a creative non-fiction writing group for therapists in Seattle. We have been meeting for 5 years. We now have a completed edited manuscript of ten essays. Our personal stories, about ourselves. We want to show the human aspect of therapists. Events that shape us, move us, scare us. Stories of being kidnapped, of sexism, of loving and hating one's own analyst, tales of being a problem child. We have gotten great feedback. Writer Chelsey Clammer wrote our introduction and said, "This book is a relief. Refreshing even. A curiosity-quencher too."

We wish Rachel the very best of luck with this endeavour and hope that it is selected for publication soon. 


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