
Showing posts from March, 2019

Creatures Give Advice

Creatures Give Advice is finally here. I am hoping to hold a sort of an online launch soon, with more doodles and other merriment.  You can buy the paper book here. There is also an e-book. I really hope you'll love the creatures, and I'd love to hear from my (their?) readers. A digital launch with more doodles and merriment is coming soon. You can buy the book here.

February, as we wait for April (Update: the book is available. Hurray)

So, the paperback, Creatures Give Advice  should be available in a few days. Upate: it is now available. You can also get it on and as an e-book.  I've just spent several hours with the proof catching all the typos that got in when I wasn't looking, shepherding errant words (why did you ever run away?), removing the reference to a snake (I have a friend who dislikes snakes. .. so she probably wouldn't like the image below), redoing the cover to correct a typo in my name (!!!) and redrawing the cover image to change spots into wings (because someone I know does not like spots). Hopefully, the book will be out very soon. Meanwhile, here are some February creatures.

How to Order Drawings

Update: if you'd like a special doodle for your question and do not mind your question to feature in the next book, just drop your question here. The answer will follow soon after. We are hoping to publish another book in honour of the warmer season and will try to publish it just when it gets colder. There will be an announcement on Twitter (@Roppotucha) asking people for questions. Disclaimer: humorous doodle-answers are meant to be just that. Creatures do not know the future. Roppotucha  is not a trained counselor Deep, serious, and difficult questions are welcome, but please do not send questions that will make us worry about your psychological well-being. Also creatures will not answer questions that offend any people or any group of people. They've seen plenty of that in the City and the Thicket too (unfortunately), and they are just not interested.

Road not-taken

We have received the following question from  a rambling collective   @ zerofracks   'Do I take the road less travelled or the highway, and what will happen if I stray from the path?' 'Just so you know, those who judge you from above, or pop up out on the path in front of you, or even those who carry heavy loads in many directions, know very little of the nature of roads, or dragons' Note: a rambling collective was one of the people who did not make it into the first book .  It is now part of the second book, due to be published on 21 June 2019.  Another note: If you'd like a special doodle in answer to your question, and don't want to wait until the next round, you can order one from the creatures.  

Creatures Are Here!

Buy the Book Here This is a winter and early spring book. Now that proper spring is finally on its way, it is good to know why children refuse to leave swimming pools, the true purpose of horizontal wind, and the fate of small green leaves.  Creatures Give Advice  is based on answers to questions sent to the Thicket Advice Bureau by writers and scholars all over the world.