How to Order Drawings

Update: if you'd like a special doodle for your question and do not mind your question to feature in the next book, just drop your question here. The answer will follow soon after.

We are hoping to publish another book in honour of the warmer season and will try to publish it just when it gets colder.
There will be an announcement on Twitter (@Roppotucha) asking people for questions.

Disclaimer: humorous doodle-answers are meant to be just that. Creatures do not know the future.
Roppotucha  is not a trained counselor
Deep, serious, and difficult questions are welcome, but please do not send questions that will make us worry about your psychological well-being.
Also creatures will not answer questions that offend any people or any group of people. They've seen plenty of that in the City and the Thicket too (unfortunately), and they are just not interested.


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