
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Great Musical Launch of the Second Creature Book

Creatures Give Advice Agian and it's warmer now  was out on 21 June. It's all about summer. It was my way of keeping a bit of the summer, so really it's a lot like jam. Also it has an index, that's sort of like a poem, even though it is also an index. It was launched on 31 August, amid much merriment. The good people of Twitter contributed the music: Bohemian Rhapsody played on a fairground organ (contributed by Marsha Adams (@marshawritesit) And this was my response And then Maureen Docherty (@mordoc1) put this one on: Response: Happiness is a good thing to have at a launch, so this song was great to listen to (with thanks to Tim Warren @fFredTweetzsche) And the response was: Next came this piece from Sarah Allen Reed (@SarahAllenReed)  . It's not for the faint-hearted, but Creatures are brave (there used to be secret concerts in the Thicket that they used to sneak into, back when humans came in and out. So her...