Pictures from the Launch

The launch started at around noon. It was nice to see that so many people came to support the book. Of course it was a shame that the person selling the books was facing the wrong way. But, you can still buy it as an e-book here . Stuff happened: hedgehogs and the sea and dragons The book is also available as a paperback. Most people like it as a paperback, even though it's not water- or dragon-proof. Then I felt that I needed talk about my childhood. I am not sure why, but here I am as a small child, in Zglevia. By the way if you want to find out where Zglevia used to be and what happened to it, I wrote about it in this story: On the Proper Use of Mosquitoes , Twist in Time Magazine Issue 1. (It is a bit sad). Drinks were being passed around, and people kept saying very nice things to me. (Like this review, for instance, by Alan Vincent Michaels ) The party went on for a while. I was so happy to see André Lepine from th...