Creature Books

Creatures are everywhere, not just in the Thicket, but also in the City, and they are sometimes wise. 

The first creature book collects some of their wisdom. 

This is a winter and early spring book. It will tell you why children refuse to leave swimming pools, the true purpose of horizontal wind, and the fate of small green leaves. 

Creatures Give Advice is based on answers to questions sent to the Thicket Advice Bureau by writers and scholars all over the world. 

Image: Gosia Rokicka @gosiawritesit

Creatures Give Advice Again (and it's warmer now) is the second book. It is a bit bigger, has a lot more questions, more information on the elusive river folk, and a lot more fun features. The book will bring joy to anyone who has ever wondered what goes on at the edge of the world or why people wait at traffic lights.


5 April 2019

Ruppotucha Greenbergs' 'Creatures Give Advice' is different. Funny, fascinating, wise. The beautiful illustrations are doodles with minds of their own. Finally they can step into the light, stand their ground. In The Thicket that is. A wonderful place harbouring a brimful of advice and answers to every question needing a response. Creatures Give Advice is quite unique, a beautiful strangely human creation.

5 April 2019

I loved this book! The doodles have oodles of personality, and the creatures have a unique perspective on life. Their answers to dilemmas are always humorous, and often sage. The reader gets caught up in the fun only to be side stepped by flashes of insight. Ropputucha has created a lovely, whimsical book that will withstand plenty of rereading.

Utterly enchanting, Roppotucha! It reminds me of many beloved children's books AND has wise words for us putatively grown-up writer types. I felt bad paying so little. ❤❤❤

March 22, 2019
4.5 stars. Roppotucha is a talented artist with a unique style (elaborate and minimalist at once). The creatures' Advice Bureau is super-sweet and the creatures go off on the most whimsical little tangents.


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