About Project Thicket Lore (Tales from the Forest Allotments)

Project Thicket Lore is another way for the creatures to connect with the various human writers  and scholars who enjoy their company

At the moment the Advice Bureau is closed, and it will be another while before another book-project is announced.  Besides, it is good to explore other parts of the Thicket, including the beautiful meadows close to the sea, which is where Forest Allotments can be found.

The project has several steps:

1. I advertise a vacant allotment (usually a tree, sometimes a hill or a clearing)

Writers let me know the name of a particular creature they'd like to see on a tree . If they can't think of a name, but have a particular mood that they think the creature will help with, that's good too. (Anything, basically except direct attributes. Creatures are not illustrations).

Here's one I am looking for interested owners (leaves might appear once it gets a few creatures). UPDATE: Nobody wanted this tree (too bleak perchance?), so I am going to let out a hill and a small valley.

2. I add the creature to a tree.

3. If the writers wish, they can then post a tweet-length story about that creature, which I publish here.

Once, writers decide to take over an allotment, they can keep adding creatures (once a week)

At the moment there are no definite plans about what to do with the creatures and tales if they become numerous. It would be cool to get a publication of some sort, of course. But this project is different from the work with the Advice Bureau (which resulted in two print-on demand books on Amazon), . This project relies much more heavily on other writers' ideas, whereas Roppotucha's own words hide in the shadow.

This means that some other model would be needed for publishing this book to make sure that the contributors are not its only audience. Or maybe it shouldn't be a book at all, but something else...

If, at any, stage there is enough material to do something else, all the humans will be asked for their permission (unless this permission is kindly given at the early stages of the project) and a detailed plan will be published here .

So, for now, the project is just about merriment and inter-species collaboration.


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